Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spoiler Nation

As many of you regular comic book readers know, the industry is a self spoiler medium. It's really the only medium that can get away with it. Movies only spoil somewhat, with us knowing we have seen a moment in a trailer that hasn't happened in the movie yet. Books, not at all. Well, unless you like to read the last page. Video games; not at all unless you buy a guide. With comics, it's impossible for us NOT to know what's going to happen three months ahead of time. A great example is the recent end of the big Marvel event "Siege." The brand wide labeling of "The Heroic Age" has been totted for months. Unless you have never seen seen a comic book movie or anything related to the medium, you already knew the heroes were going to win before the event even started. This happened with "Blackest Night" and "Brightest Day" as well.

So why am I writing about this? Well it just surprises me how often people complain amongst the medium that an event or trend didn't really end the event, but just was a means towards an end. Well isn't it always? Did people complain that "Secret Wars" was just for selling toys? Didn't think so. It's the ride that is the most fun in comics. It's really the only thing that we can enjoy in comics. We see know the ending, but we don't know HOW it ends. Enjoy the ride as much as it can. Many complained about the ending to "Siege" because it was a means to an end to make Steve Rogers top cop and throw out the Superhuman Registration Act, and that the ending was very anticlimactic. Did you all really see Loki dying?

In my last post for the semester, I talked about giving books and things a chance in comics. This is a somewhat of a continuation of it, and my next biggest recommendation for comic book readers. Enjoy the ride and embrace the workings of the meidum

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