Monday, May 31, 2010

DC vs. Marvel

Ok, this isn't the topic you would think it would be. I'm not about to start bashing one publisher or the other. This post is more about why people pick one over the other. Now a lot of people (myself included) read both. I mostly read Marvel, but have slowly started reading more DC titles.

What pushes a person towards one publisher? Marvel seems to keep their heroes down to earth while DC has their heroes be idols. It seems that people want to read about people that they can relate too, as well as be entertained. Any person who knows me knows I read almost every Spider-Man title and a real fan of the character (I have a Venom tattoo on my back for Christ's sake). The guy is relatable and I have trouble believing in a hero that is almost god like (Superman).

But we have to start somewhere. So what was it? Was it our parents who took us to a comic book store? An older/younger relative gave you a comic book? The way that seems to be the most popular way is the old animated TV shows from the 90's. Between the X-Men, Spider-Man, Superman, and Batman, we had plenty of variety from both Marvel and DC.

But thats not it. What was the defining factor for you?

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